Learn the skills to understand PROFIBUS DP and PA concepts, components, cabling, and be able to find, analyze and solve problems in PROFIBUS installations.
This is a combination course that combines three of our popular courses into one three-day course. Join us in Calgary this September;
1. PROFIBUS Troubleshooting and Maintenance
2. Certified PROFIBUS Installer
3. EMC Awareness for Industrial Automation
Get hands-on experience with the latest PROFIBUS troubleshooting tools including, the all-in-one troubleshooting tool ProfiTrace 2 with Scopeware, and the permanent network monitor COMBRICK.
This course meets all the requirements of the Certified PROFIBUS Installers course. The course ends with a written and practical test. Successful students will be certified by PROFIBUS and PROFINET International as a Certified PROFIBUS Installer.
Email me the course outline. Email me a quote for training.
With the increased use of variable frequency drives (VFD) and other switching devices, the overall Electro-magnetic interference (EMI) in plants has been increasing.
This increase has caused many electro-magnetic compatibility (EMC) issues in both Automation system and in particular the communication systems that join automation components together.
Gain awareness of the issues, the theory behind them, and how to ensure that the design and installation of Industrial Automation systems can reduce the likelihood of EMC related issues in the future.
Your instructor: James Powell, P.Eng., is a certified PROFIBUS DP, PA, and PROFINET network engineer, PROFIBUS System Design Engineer, with 20 years of experience with PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, Modbus, and HART installations.
Email me the course outline. Email me a quote for training. Join us in Calgary September 25-27. 2023.
Here’s James, troubleshooting PROFIBUS using Osiris running on Mercury with a Proficore.