Hi-Port HP-25 PROFIBUS Cable Tester

$ 1,888.88

This small handheld device checks for the most frequently found cable connection faults seen with PROFIBUS DP wiring between pairs of 9-pin D-sub PROFIBUS plugs and over daisy chained PROFIBUS cables.

The software checks for and reports open lines, short circuits between cores, shorts between screen and cores, and crossed connections, reporting any such failures on a red background, with sound signal and text details shown on the front panel colour display. Correct connection test results are reported on a green screen, with different sound signal and show the number of activated terminator switches detected on the tested cable. If 3 or more terminators are detected this is reported as a fault.

Power:  9 volt dry battery – 4 to 12 mA current (actual current depends on selected display brightness)

Tested Cable Length:  1 to 1,000 metres

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